An Armi-Sport Enfield whose breech casting blew apart circa 2010. Add to Cart. Backorder is currently not available - Is a 'Call to order' product. Fits Original & Reproduction guns, Reproduction. Parts for Reproduction Muskets and Rifles; Parts for Reproduction Muskets and Rifles One great thing about it is that it has the "Palmer" style barrel bands, which is correct for the 3rd Model Enfield. 1853 3-Band Enfield Musket Armi sport. Compare. Both firearms were in use when the Colt 1851 saw service. Chiappa / Armi Sport Rifles Civil War Reproductions for sale and auction. Compare. Well I got to bring 'er home today 1853 Pattern Enfield (Armi Sport) Was lucky and got one with a good trigger, which is a good start. Out of Stock. Sidebar. Tang is predrilled for creedmore sight placement with 2 1/4" base. We have Detailed Reproductions by Armi Sports, A Uberti and F LLI Pietta. Sidebar. 10 Items . FOREND CAP, 1853 3 Band Enfield, Polished Brass. Fits Original & Reproduction guns, Reproduction. To $294.00. 1858 2-Band Enfield From $4.00. 1861 Armi Sport Springfield Musket. Both are fine rifles, but I just couldn't come to love the Springfield "in the white", no bluing, just polished bare metal. 1859 Cavalry Sharps .54 caliber. I bought it in 1995 when I got involved in re-enacting, and I cant honestly say how many times it has been shot with blanks. Steel Musket Nipple 8x1MM $4.00. Chiappa Firearms is a leading brand of rifles, shotguns and handguns including the Rhino Revolver. Add to Cart. Compare. 1853 3-Band Enfield From $4.00. Serial # E9332 Italian Reproduction. The overall length is 39". Compare. 1862 C.S. Buy Used Deactivated No Licence Rifles for sale from our community of shooting enthusiasts on the UK’s #1 gun marketplace. Set Descending Direction. Buy a Chiappa / Armi Sport Rifles Civil War Reproductions online. Cart (0 item) Main Menu. Richmond Musket Armi sport. I know you cant tell much about how it shoots by looking at a rifle but the fit and finish and quality of the wood was good. View as Grid List. Add to Cart. 3 BAND MUSKET.ENFIELD 1853 REPLICA BY ARMI SPORTS MADE IN ITALY GOOD CONDITION. Its target markets are target shooting, Cowboy Action Shooting, reenacting, collecting, ... Pattern 1853 Enfield; Sharps Rifle; Several classic lever action rifles are also made by Chiappa as well. Backorder is currently not available - Is a 'Call to order' product. 1874 Down Under Model .45-120 34” Octagonal, Model 138CABFLUY $1,834.00 . So to those of you that have competed against other shooters, which replica 1861 … Compare . [shopsite-images]/buttons/tab_blue/tab_blue_pr_View_Cart.gif Add to Cart. In Response To: "Defarbed" 1853 Enfield Hello, I was wondering what on earth a "defarbed" enfield was? The 3 band Enfield I have is a old Parker Hale. Stock features a steel patch box. Lot # 12E-Armi Sport-Italy Repro 1853 Enfield .58 for auction. The Enfield has a better sight, and IMO looks better (don't care for all the brass on the Zouave, nor the redundant patchbox...looks like a pre-historic pimp rifle!). I am interested in purchasing an 1861 Springfield rifled musket but I do not know which manufactor to pursue. 38 Items . The 3rd Model Enfields were imported by both the Union and Confederacy in large numbers. If you get one of the Chiappa rifles you may also consider trying a .58 cal. $2,950.00 "Enfield No5 MK1 .303 British (R28318) GI#: 101547388 "Enfield No5 MK1 .303 British caliber carbine. In 2018, Chiappa celebrated its 60th anniversary. Seller: AncestryGunsLLC . I have had a couple of Armi-Sports and I was always under the impression they were authentic repros. Rare CIVIL WAR Antique BLUNT-ENFIELD Rifle-Musket US Made Enfield Pattern 1853 Dated “1862” Here we present an antique Enfield Pattern 1853 Rifle-Musket by American Orison Blunt, m ...Click for more info. To $294.00. Just a few days ago, I shot 30 full power loads and I am going out again today for some shooting with minie balls. Out of Stock. The Euroarms version of the Enfield also has five-groove rifling. Out of Stock. Chiappa 1 item; Compare Products. BLACKPOWDER I am more interested in the accuracy of the musket than the outward appearance. Armi Sport is the firearms manufacturing branch. Spencer rifle; Winchester Model 1886; Winchester Model 1892 ; Kimar. 1853 ENFIELD MUSKET (RIFLED) (COLOR CASE) .58CAL/39"BBL. Clear All. P99guy, Apr 7, 2005 #16. major Member. After owning both the 1861 Springfield and the 1853 Enfield, I pick the '53 Enfield. … Black powder shooting is loads of fun P99guy Congratulation on your new musket, I know you will … This Sharps feature a 22" Round Blued Barrel. Joined: Dec 6, 2004 Messages: 11. These are topics I have studied for decades. Price: $30.00 I have an 1853 Enfield 3 band .58 Rifle Musket made by Armi Sports. The front sight is fixed and barrel features an adjustable rear sight. The barrel is 1 in 22" twist with 6 grooves. Complete with hand oiled walnut stocks. Sharps Carbine-1859, Armi Sport, This rifle is a paper cartridge rifle in .54 cal. Compare. AdmiralB, Jun 11, 2009 #14. 1874 Down Under Model .45-70 34” Octagonal, Model 138CABLUY $1,799.00. DavidB2 Member. FWIW, at least at Dixie, the Euroarms guns seemed a little nicer than the Armi Sports. Az Enfield 1853 huzagolt hadipuskát a feketelőport használó modernkori sportlövészek és vadászok, amerikai polgárháborús hagyományőrzők és a brit fegyverrajongók is egyaránt sokra tartják és minősége, pontossága, megbízhatóság folytán keresett fegyver. Area Code: 314 . Sell your Chiap... Login Register Menu. View as Grid List. What do you mean by "Defarbed" 1853 Enfield. 1859 Infantry Sharps .54 caliber. We have Detailed Reproductions by Armi Sports, A Uberti and F LLI Pietta. here it is compared to a WW2 No4 Enfield, and the last Enfield design, the SA80/L85A1 . Manufacturer. Model 1842 Musket and Model 1842 Rifled Musket, both in .69 caliber by Armi Sport or you can custom build. Search, buy and sell Rifles on GunStar today! Weaver Rail Peep Sight $112.00. 1874 Down Under Model .45-70 32” Octagonal, Model 138CABLU $1,669.00. Remove This Item; Compare. Altogether, the company offers more than a dozen different models or variations, ranging from a percussion New Model 1859 Rifle and Carbine to an elaborately engraved deluxe copy of a Model 1874 Hartford-built Sporting Rifle. I have been shooting, building and repairing black powder guns for 28 years, reenacting for 22 years, and selling muzzleloaders professionally for 20 years. Set Descending Direction. I did see a Chiappa Enfield at one of the big shoot's at Friendship last year. Armi Chiappa, better known in the U.S. as Armi Sport, is another Italian manufacturer of Sharps rifles and carbines. 38” BBL, 58” Overall w/ramrod. Shop By. Buying . The Richmond is a "Southern" Springfield, being made from tooling captured at Harper's Ferry early in the war. 1858 2-Band Enfield Musket. Chiappa Firearms pays close attention to historical details such as barrel bands, ramrods and sights. Close Menu. for sale by abel padilla on GunsAmerica - 933751640 I do know that I have fired 300 plus minie ball loads with the rifle. Out of Stock. The rifle was in one of the vendor booths at the shoot. Just curious. Model 1855, M1861 and M1863 Rifle Musket, .58 caliber by Armi Sport or Euroarms (or custom) The '55 and '61 saw much service in the war between the states. American Civil War reenactors and history enthusiasts can own accurate, faithful reproductions of some of the most famous arms used in conflict between the Union and Confederacy. Unfortunately, the Armi-Sport Enfield DOES NOT HAVE Progressive Depth Rifling like the originals. The Armi-Sport Enfield is a fine rifle. Shopping Options. 1874 Sharps Down Under Sport .45-70 $2,149.00.