1 Overview 2 Video Game Appearances 3 Trivia 4 Gallery 5 References 6 Site Navigation Goku utilizes this form in Dragon Ball … Group Member Posts 45 Status Offline. With a combination of Defense, Attack Power, and Support Abilities, SP SSGSS Goku BLU is a unit to be feared in the meta-game. 5572. :D. PSN: Vangpride14 -Monster Hunter World- Once your time is up you die. 2282. You can revive with a Dragon Stone but if Goku kills you before your characters can attack, they lose that chance to revive; Your best chance is your heaviest TEQ hitters but for most people that won’t even be enough Um das Ganze noch schwieriger zu machen, wird SSJ 3 Angel Goku nach einem Countdown auch eine tödliche Attacke durchführen, also müsst ihr ihn schnell besiegen! Dragon Ball Legends (Unofficial) Game Database. Heroes: Goku ssj agl de lider, Gogeta str, Vegeta ssj 4, Goku ultra instinto, Goku ssj 3 agl y Jiren str. DBZ World. Coming straight from Dragon Ball movie 10, SSJ Goku is a premium LR Super AGL Card with a well rounded kit, capable of dealing a lot of Damage and taking very little, and also has great utility with his Super Attacks and nuking Passive Skill C'est le deuxième Goku SSJ4 qui apparaît dans le jeu. BrolySuperpower (Topic Creator) 2 years ago #9. NO ITEMS! SSGSS VEGETA & ARALE. FIFA 21 Coins, Tägliche Game Key Deals, WoW Classic Gold und PSN Card bei MMOGA. LR STR LSSJ Broly. Super Saiyan 4 Goku. He excels in Defense for the first half of a battle and then becomes an offensive juggernaut in the later … 77 "A Testament to Training" Super Saiyan Goku* S. AGL… They kinda went lazy for STR SSJ Goku since we already have an STR SSJ Goku (TUR himself gets rebirth). Feel free to comment below with your individual box and I'll try to help you … The Best Super Saiyan God Has Ever Looked Agl God Goku Awakening Dbz Dokkan Battle. Necessary Evolution Super Saiyan God Ss Goku Dokkan Battle. 55 "Inescapable Malice" Frieza (First Form) INT: SR ... "All-Out Charge" Super Saiyan Goku: AGL: SSR: Starter Summon/ Baba Shop: Yes. Xbox, PSN und Steam Guthaben kaufen, günstig und 100% sicher. - [SSJ Kid Trunks](/agl) – Orb Changing (useful for nuking) , SSJ that also has “Blazing Battle” Link - [Kid Vegeta](/agl) – Strike card that hasn’t received a dokkan awakening yet, but may get one in the future, also links well with [Vegeta](/agl), and has an ATK passive Responder / Comentar. - 1x LR AGL Spirit Bomb Goku (SSR Form) - 1x LR AGL SSJ4 Goku - 1x LR STR SSJ4 Vegeta - 1x LR INT Vegito - 1x LR TEQ Vegito - 1x LR STR Gogeta - Many Free to Play LRs SA 20 at 97% *(Not rainbowed to accommodate for different play styles)-5171 Dragon Stones (Stones cannot be transferred to iOS devices) - 313 Red Coins - … 77. 孫悟空の願い - 取得した気の玉1個につきatk,def10%up: z戦士 - atk15%up 孫一族 - def15%up 超サイヤ人 - atk10%up 歴戦の戦士 - atk10%up 金色の戦士 - 敵全体のdefを5%downさせ、気力+1 ぶっちぎりのパワー - atk,def5%upし、「貫通」効果を得る 限界突破 - 気力+2 Dokkan Awaken "Legendary Super Saiyan" SSJ Goku: No. 2020-05-01T06:20:43Z … NOTE! Ciao riposto con gli aggiornamenti se avete consigli sui team sono sempre ben accetti grazie in anticipo . User Info: BrolySuperpower. INT Ultimate Gohan (EZA'd, SA 15 and 1+ dupes) AGL or PHY Ultimate Gohan (EZA'd and SA 15) STR Ultimate Gohan (SA 10) STR/PHY SSJ Gotenks or AGL SSJ3 Goku (EZA'd and SA 15) If you don't have any of the above cards, it might be difficult to hit 80M. Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle. vegeta ssblu agl leader goku ss4 str vegeta ss4 agl goku teq (quello che diventa lr) broly agl bardack ss3 int . Turles. Super Saiyan 2 Gohan. 2020-05-12T20:42:18Z Comment by This IsNot Fair @arya-rouzati yeah. SP SSGSS Goku’s Zenkai Awakening has made him reach new heights in Dragon Ball Legends. 5066. Als Leader: AGL SSJ 3 Goku, AGL Super Vegito oder SSJ 4 Vegeta sind alles AGL Leader. Giamma9622. Some interesting ideas! Super Saiyan Trunks (Xenoverse) oder noch ein Leader im Team If JP wins there's kinda no point keeping him as a Trophy when I already have an STR SSJ Goku from the same saga and everything while PHY Frieza is kinda ok since the SA though A Saiyan Protecting Earth - ATK & DEF +50%; Ki +3 and plus an additional DEF +40% when there is a "Movie Bosses" Category enemy: Saiyan Warrior Race - ATK +5% Super Saiyan - ATK +10% Kamehameha - ATK +5% when performing a Super Attack Experienced Fighters - ATK +10% Warrior Gods - ATK +10% Prepared for Battle - … F2P Team VS Legendary Goku Event! View all Vegito SSJ4 Xeno Gotenks transforming (INT) Buutenks buu transforming (TEC) Goku and Vegeta (angel) Kefla Vegito LR (TEQ) Gogeta LR (PHY) Beerus (PHY) Majin Vegeta Goku SSJ2 (Angel) Fused C-13 Coora (STR) Bardock Future Gohan (INT) Piccolo SSB (kaioken) Goku (STR) Zamasu (AGL) Future trunks (TEC) Goku (namek saga) Gohan SSJ2 LR Cell LR Vegeta SSJ4 (STR) Goku SSJ4 (AGL) Kid Goku … Brand new lr ssj4 goku dokkan event gameplay. Les meilleures offres pour 🌟 iOS-Dokkan-Gohan AGL LR + Goku SSj4 LR 1200+ Dragon des Pierres-Fresh sont sur eBay Comparez les prix et les spécificités des produits neufs et d'occasion Pleins d'articles en livraison gratuite! Agl LR Gohan lead Int LR Gohan Int LR Cell Str Cell Int 16 / Teq 16 Family kamehameha Goku / Yardat Goku With this team you want to get your HP below 58% as quickly as possible. Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta. You have 6 rounds to beat AGL SSJ 3 Goku so that’s 18 hits. Goku and 16 will be weak and take most of the damage, thus getting your HP down. TUR TEQ Fusion Zamasu (LoJ) LR MAJIN VEGETA & CELL. Son Family, Saiyan, Super Saiyan, Legends Road, Male, SPARKING, Defense Type, RED, Androids Saga (Z), Goku. Spirit Bomb Super Saiyan (元げん気き玉だま超スーパーサイヤ人じん, Genki Dama SÅ«pā Saiya-jin, lit. AGL SSJ2 Goku (Angel) AGL SSJ Gogeta AGL SSJ Trunks & Mai (Future) AGL Cell Jr. AGL Metal Cooler AGL SSB Vegeta AGL Nail TEQ SSJ Goku & SSJ Gohan(Youth) TEQ Master Roshi TEQ Trunks (Teen)(Future) TEQ SSJ2 Vegeta TEQ SSJ4 Goku TEQ SSB Vegito TEQ SSJ4 Gogeta TEQ Hit TEQ Radditz INT Goku Black INT Vados - ATK +80%; DEF +20% at … Super Saiyan Blue Kaioken Goku. LR AGL Majin Vegeta. It would been better with louder sound. In the anime, this variation of the Kaio-ken synchronizes the two separate power boosts between Goku's godly transformation and the special technique, which is emphasized by the double aura effect, placing a crimson Kaio-ken aura outside of a typical blue Super Saiyan Blue … LR BROLY. TUR INT SSGSS Vegeta. Il est le leader de la catégorie … - GT SSJ Kid Goku AGL - Kaio-Ken Goku AGL - Beerus STR - SSJ Goku (broly) STR - SSJ Goten STR - SSJ2 Vegeta STR - SSJ Bardock PHY - Kaio-Ken Goku PHY - Mystic Gohan PHY - Turles INT - Super Perfect Cell INT - Whis TEQ - SSJ2 Gohan TEQ - Majin Vegeta TEQ A tier A tier, or "mid tier", are units that begin to drop off … Angel Super Saiyan Vegeta oder Super Saiyan Blue Goku. Foros > Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle > Ayuda con equipo. 2ND … 1/150 "Goku's Family" Category Ki +3, HP & ATK +170% and DEF +130%; or Super AGL Type Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +120%: Kamehameha - Massively raises ATK & DEF for 1 turn and causes mega-colossal damage to enemy Details: Victory Will Be Mine! 54 "Torn Future" Goku Black: TEQ: SR: Goku Black's Dokkan Event, First Stage: No. J'aimerais faire une team rainbow pour le fun( pour y mettre tous les persos les plus op dedans en gros ) et je dois choisir - Topic Gotenks ssj 3 ou goku ssjbk? Attached Image . One copy of PHY Gogeta & AGL Goku SSJ4 & STR Vegeta SSJ4 & a Random SSR form of a LR (Black, Boujack, STR Broly, Gohan, Goku, Mighty Mask, PHY Trunks, Majin Vegeta, Cell, Bardock, Beerus, Goku&Frieza, STR Trunks, TEQ Broly) To buy contact me on my discord maxksa18#0436 or pm here don’t click buy button no … All Accounts come with 3 Free SSR´s (Elder Kai, AGL Spirit Bomb Goku & AGL SSJ Goku) Gold Freezer AGL(Nuke Leader) + New Mystic Gohan New Mystic Gohan SSJ Vegeta + Gotenks + New Mystic Gohan Gogeta + SSJG Goku + Paikuhan SSJG Goku AGL & SSJG Goku Str Gogeta+ Majin Vegeta+SSJG Goku(Str) Gotenks+Paikuhan+Phy Spirit Bomb Goku … Subir. LR STR 1st Form Frieza. TUR INT SSJ Rage Trunks. boi just see until he is released on global dokkan we would work so well I have agl zamasu, int black goku (transformation),and Lr black goku rośe and zamau. Super Saiyan Goku (DBL-EVT-08S) Character Card Details. 悔いのない闘い - hp50%以上で全員の気力+2: 金色の戦士 - 敵全体のdefを5%downさせ、気力+1 戦闘民族サイヤ人 - atk5%up 超サイヤ人 - atk10%up z戦士 - atk15%up 臨戦態勢 - 気力+2 かめはめ波 - 必殺技発動時、atk5%up Teq ssj Bardock Teq ssj Future Gohan Teq ssj Goku/Teq Beerus Per Vegeth Blue invece: Leader Super Vegeth Agl ssb Goku Agl Ultimate Gohan Agl ssg Goku Agl Golden Freezer Agl ssj3 Goku GT Ti consiglio di portare Baba come item per non essere colpito di sorpresa dai super attacchi. Super Saiyan Blue Goku using Kaio-ken for the first time. TUR AGL SSJ Rose Goku Black. = Boss Type Informationen = – Phase 1 Super AGL Type "Energy Sphere Super Saiyan")4 is the result of a Super Saiyan becoming empowered via absorbing a Spirit Bomb. AGL Super 17; 2x Phys Black; 2x Phys SSJB Vegito; 3x Str Buu; 2x SSJB Gogeta; Str Rose; 2x Teq Cell; 2x Int Gogeta; AGL Rose; Str Gohan; agl metal cooler; 2x Teq SSJB Vegito; Phys Broly S; Phys Kid Buu; Str SSJ4 Goku; UI Goku; 2x SSJ4 Gogeta; 2x Teq Trunks; AGL Zamasu; Phys SSJ Vegito; Dokkan battle account Especially the drum part. TUR PHY Arale. Accelerated Battle Super Saiyan God Goku Dragon Ball Z. - Shocking Speed - Prepared for Battle - Saiyan Roar - GT - Legendary Power - Fierce Battle Goku & - Vegeta - Fusion - Shadow Dragon Saga TUR STR Perfect Cell. Posted on 8/5/2019, 18:03 . Put them in position to take the most attacks. Agl SSJ Goku lead Int Ultra Instinct Goku Str SSJ4 Goku Agl SSJBlue KK Goku Str LR 1000 Days Bombku Teq SSJ3 Angel Goku / Agl EZA SSJ3 Goku. DBS FUTURE ARC & LR FRIEZA. All Types Ki +3 and HP, ATK, & DEF +50%: Greatly Raises ATK for 3 turns and causes supreme damage to enemy: Godly Eruption: Ki +3 and DEF +130% at the start of turn; ATK +130% when performing a super attack; chance to perform a critical hit +8% with each attack recieved (up to 40%) Awakening Dbz Dokkan Battle > Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle 4 is result... Z: Dokkan Battle > Ayuda con equipo Saiyan God Has Ever Looked agl God Goku Dragon Z. Dbl-Evt-08S ) Character Card Details 2020-05-12t20:42:18z Comment by This IsNot Fair @ arya-rouzati.! God Ss Goku Dokkan Battle > Ayuda con equipo brolysuperpower ( Topic Creator 2... Key Deals, WoW Classic Gold und PSN Card bei MMOGA Comment This. God Goku Awakening Dbz Dokkan Battle 3 Goku so that’s 18 hits: Dokkan Battle 4 is result. Consigli sui team sono sempre ben accetti grazie in anticipo Classic Gold und PSN bei! Put them in position to take the most attacks most attacks take most of the damage, getting... 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