Go to the main prepositions exercises page. After hav i ng a shower, I went to bed. GERUND - INFINITIVE GI 5 Fill in the gerund with the correct preposition. ADJECTIVE+PREPOSITION+GERUND worksheet . There’s no question he’s angry about being in jail. The patient worries about having the check-up. Michelle Cha + 1. Wiki is very useful for studying for the graduation exam. on The secretary carried on typing the letter. We got tired of hearing the same story again and again. They were accused of breaking into a shop. For example: I'm very good at speaking English.. He is not sure how to cope with getting older. crazy about. Membership is free! Verbs Used with Infinitives (158.71 kB) 3. 2. Gerunds after Prepositions. Here are the most common prepositions that follow adjectives in this way: about, at, by, for, from, in, of, to, with. ; They are afraid losing the match. He is accustomed to having his own office. Gerund after Adjective + Preposition. Gerund after Adjective + Preposition. I felt discouraged from participating in the study. In spite of liv ing in the country he cannot speak the language. The girl is crazy about play ing tennis. My friends are really good at playing baseball. We are excited about going to Hawaii for a vacation. If they can’t come up with many combinations you might like to give them some examples such as: (Here “playing” is gerund being the object of the preposition, of.) Remember that a preposition is followed by a noun or a gerund (-ing form). How then can I succeed in studying chemistry? angry about/at. b) Ich bin verrückt danach, Basketball zu spielen. - No. - GRAMMAR END EXERCISES (B&W VERSION INCLUDED) Level: intermediate Age: 12-17 Downloads: 2691 Gerunds and Infinitives Level: advanced Age: 14-17 Downloads: 1651 Gerund or Infinitive? I like the idea of setting up a new email account. Adjectives with Prepositions followed by Gerunds (161.6 kB), 3. in spite of. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. She is addicted to watching TV. Verbs with Pronouns followed by Infinitives (189.07 kB), 5. Verb/Adjective + preposition + -ing form. angry about/at Pat is angry about walk ing in the rain. I'm Seonaid and I hope you like the website. afraid of They are afraid of los ing the match. before. She is interested in learning Italian because she works in the fashion industry. excited about. The construction workers worried about losing their jobs. The girls insisted on going out with Mark. d) Bist du daran gewöhnt, den ganzen Tag zu arbeiten? anxious about. I am accustomed to seeing this dog in the park every day. I passed by study ing every evening for a month. ; She doesn't feel working on the computer. bad at/good at. Jan 13 3. "Maybe we have just came to hear certain kind of music as sad because we have learned to associate them in our culture with sad events like funerals" As always, thank you so much Nov 26 2020 08:42:33. John is good at work ing in the garden. Gerunds and infinitives worksheets: GERUND versus INFINITIVE Level: intermediate Age: 12-17 Downloads: 2971 INFINITIVE OR GERUND? Both are formed by adding -ing to the verb. Pat is angry about walk ing in the rain. So when you learn a new adjective, it's a good idea to learn the preposition that goes with it, and write the "collocation" or combination down in your vocabulary notebook. There's a chance of catching a cold these days. He is fond of playing cricket. The reporter is blamed for writing bad stories. Examples: I’m thinking of applying for the Assistant to the Director positions. As we all know, English grammar can sometimes be tricky as it can seem like there is no logic behind the rules. crazy about The girl is crazy about play ing tennis. He’s fond of saying that is has four full-time jobs. They are proud of having worked hard. They’re just concerned about getting the right clothes. Pat is angry about walk ing in the rain. His mother was excited about going to Africa. The children are not happy about seeing a doctor. I'm looking forward to hearing from you. afraid of : Like everybody else, I was afraid of getting old. They are afraid of los ing the match. Intermediate English: Verbs used with Infinitives, 4. ; Andrew apologized being late. In English if a verb comes straight after a preposition, we always use the verb in gerund form. I have breakfast before leav ing for work in the morning. Examples: He is famous for playing football. You need to be logged in to download these files. clever at He is clever at skateboard ing. ], 1. Adjectives with prepositions followed by gerunds (161.6 kB) 4. They are afraid of los ing the match. After having a shower, I waited for Steven. By clicking "Accept & Close", you agree to our use of cookies. Intermediate English: Gerunds and Infinitives - 1, 2. FORM: adjective + preposition + gerund. She doesn't believe in getting lost in the wood. There's little hope of catching the new Corvette. List of prepositions + gerund Example: Instead of studying for her exams, she went out every night. 1. He is clever at skateboard ing. angry about : There’s no question he’s angry about being in jail. We are excited about mak ing our own film. She is looking forward to visiting his aunt in Chicago. disappointed about/at. These wheels offer the possibility of riding tubeless. by. In English there are many examples of gerunds being used after an adjective and a preposition structure. Advanced English: Gerunds and Infinitives - 2, 1. about (in “how about”/ “what about”) after; apart from; because of; before; by; in; in spite of; instead of; on; without; List of adjectives + preposition + gerund Example: I am interested in visiting the museum. After a preposition, we always use a noun or the -ing form of a verb (the gerund). ; She complains bullying. Here are some practice exercises A nonfinite clause cannot stand alone. Prepositions can be tricky for English learners. Unit 114.2 Gerund After an Adjective and a Preposition - krumony. We are excited about making our own film. Adjective + Preposition + Gerund : … They often talk about travel(l)ing to New Zealand. > Similar tests: - Adjectives and prepositions - Adjectives-ing and ed - FOR and its use - Across / through - Adjectives and prepositions - Adjectives and prepositions - Prepositions and location - Prepositions of time > Double-click on words you don't understand: Gerund after preposition Fill in each blank with the correct preposition and gerund. He is disappointed about see ing such a bad report. Alice was known for making up silly songs. As far as I know preposition can only have noun and gerund object. to talk about skills and abilities. But when to is part of a to-infinitive, it is followed by an infinitive: I wish to … There's a real reason for winning the contest. What was her reaction on hearing the news? By muse enjoyable grammar guide for B1 students 1,843 Downloads . He is in doubt about buying the correct software for his computer system. Verbs Used with Gerunds (155.87 kB) 2. Verb/Adjective + preposition + -ing form. I went home after finishing my work.. Adjective + Infinitive. Larry was proud of graduating from college. Children were happy about going to the Zoo. accustomed to. Verbs followed by (pro)nouns and infinitives (189.07 kB) 5. In spite of studying a lot he didn't pass the exams. Gerund after prepositions, Learning English Online - Exercise. @LanguageAvenue. My friend is good playing volleyball. He doesn't rely on winning in the casino. These shoes are perfect for hiking in the mountains. Frank was in charge of organizing the meeting. Is it something we should be ashamed of showing my mom? John is good at work ing in the garden. Englisch-hilfen.de – Learning English Online. Dad is interested in learning more about Jake’s new job. She became famous for singing in musicals. It's very nice of you to remember my birthday ! What I am wondering about is why an adjective sad follows a preposition as here. I am usually successful in getting my plans to work out. ; We are looking forward going out at the weekend. Gerunds after prepositions. Adjective + preposition ² gerund clause (formerly a "gerund phrase") – is called a gerund nonfinite clause. Like everybody else, I was afraid of getting old. Intermediate English: Gerunds and Infinitives - 2, 3. But gerund is verbal noun whereas present participle is verbal adjective. Prepositions To, Till, Until (Intermediate), Prepositions SINCE and FOR - 1 (Intermediate), Phrasal Verbs with OFF and ON - 1 (Intermediate). This is a simple method of finding solutions. to be + adjective + preposition + gerund Ask them if they know any other adjective + preposition combinations. I'm used to walking long distances. 4. Gerunds are commonly used after an adjective-preposition combination. In today’s post, we are going to focus on the use of gerunds in English after an adjective and a preposition. Another related area which is often seen on the TOEIC is the structure of a verb or adjective followed by a preposition which is then followed by a gerund (-ing form). Preposition + Gerund. The following is ONLY A SAMPLE LIST of the most commonly used adjective + preposition combinations that can be followed by gerunds. After many common adjectives, we often use to + verb (the infinitive).This isn't always true, but it is a useful, general rule. clever at. Gerund after prepositions that stand alone – some examples: after. They are bored of doing nothing. What is the advantage of farming over hunting? ; Laura dreams living on a small island. There is no definite rule or formula for choosing a preposition. f) Ich habe es satt, das ganze Haus alleine sauberzumachen. When to is a preposition, it can be followed by a noun or a gerund: I'm looking forward to our trip. 5. Gerund after Adjective + Preposition. - Oh, thank you ! Brian is keen on riding his bike by the lake. 1. 4 Level: … For example: It's rude to eat with your mouth open. Welcome! afraid of. Need more practice? capable of : I know what Roger is capable of doing. Adjectives and Prepositions Exercise 1 Click here to review the information about adjectives and prepositions Click here to download this exercise in PDF. She is afraid of speaking in public. With at We use at with adjectives like good / bad / amazing / brilliant / terrible , etc. This cabinet is suitable for storing old magazines. afraid of. Verbs with prepositions followed by gerunds (162.32 kB) c) Sie ist nicht gut im Schreiben. I'm fed up with being treated as a child. He is disappointed about seeing such a bad report. We warned them against using this computer. bad at/good at John is good at work ing in the garden. She is interested in learning Italian because she works in the fashion industry. I wanted to congratulate you on making such a good speech. What’s up everyone! She’s used to sleeping with the window open. Advanced English: Gerunds and Infinitives - 1, 4. Do you concentrate on reading or writing? There's some opportunity of bringing her parents together again. It rarely includes a subject, and its verb is a secondary verb form (infinitival, gerund-participle or past participle) which cannot be inflected for tense, person or number. The girl is crazy about play ing tennis. Do you know who is responsible for breaking the window? How can I prevent Kate from working in this shop? I manage it by working much longer than 40-hour weeks. The firm specialized in designing websites. Copyright © 2020 Language Avenue. Get more Perfect English Grammar with our courses. 1. 1. The director was critical of spending money on supplies. crazy about. Prepositions are words that link a noun, pronoun, or noun phrase to some other part of the sentence. I'm used to cold showers. Pete was really nervous about going to a new school. 6. Adjective + preposition + gerund EXERCISE 1 a) Peter interessiert sich dafür, Spanisch zu lernen. ashamed of : Is it something we should be ashamed of showing my mom? Verbs with Prepositions followed by Gerunds (162.32 kB). Words used with the Gerund Adjectives (with Prepositions) followed by the Gerund Example: I am interested in visiting the museum. My wife is keen on singing pop songs. Although the gerund and present participle are look – alikes, their functions are entirely different. Take a look at these examples below: afraid of. 6. Examples: I’m thinking of applying for the Assistant to the Director positions. He is disappointed about see ing such a bad report. Success may depend on becoming more patient. The tablet must not be taken before getting up in the morning. disappointed about/at He is disappointed about see ing such a bad report. It’s clear he’s not enthusiastic about moving to Alabama. Norma is anxious about making the presentation. ; I don't agree hunting. Adjectives and prepositions - That's for you ! "To", "of", "about", "with", "for", and "from" are most commonly used between adjectives and gerunds. accustomed to : I am accustomed to seeing this dog in the park every day. Dad was glad about getting a new job so close to home. They are tired of working a lot. addicted to. disappointed about/at . angry about/at. Intermediate English: Verbs with Prepositions followed by Gerunds, 3. Verbs Used with Infinitives (158.71 kB), 4. e) Jane macht sich Sorgen darüber, ihre Schlüssel zu verlieren. Welcome to Perfect English Grammar! Intermediate English: Verbs used with Gerunds, [These downloads will be available soon. There's a choice between flying to London Heathrow or Stansted. excited about. Each student was familiar with doing this kind of research. Gerunds after prepositions In english if we have a verb coming straight after a preposition, we must always use the verb in gerund form. Intermediate English: Verbs with Pronouns followed by Infinitives, 2. ; The girls insisted going out with Kerry. Adjective + Preposition + Gerund : Examples. Adjective Preposition Combinations Exercise ABOUT AT BY FROM / TO IN OF ON angry bad amazed different interested afraid keen excited good confused aware happy surprised frightened sorry jealous upset kind worried proud scared stupid tired The secretary carried on typing the letter. All Rights Reserved. bad at/good at. Another related area which is often seen on the TOEFL is the structure of a verb or adjective followed by a preposition which is then followed by a gerund (-ing form). We use cookies to improve your experience on our website. Adjectives are words that describe or modify nouns. Elicit combinations and write them on the board. Adjectives with Prepositions followed by Gerunds, Verbs with Pronouns followed by Infinitives, Verbs with Prepositions followed by Gerunds, Prepositions Used with Adjectives and Participles. 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