1532. 14 CFR parts 61, 91, 95 and 97 a. Applicable sections of 14 CFR Parts 61 and 91. 14 CFR, PART 61 ARRANGED BY SECTION MAINTAINED BY ALLAN PINKSTON PILOT EXAMINER STANDARDIZATION TEAM, AFS-640 Contact: Allan Pinkston phone: (405) 954 - 6472 E-Mail: K.Allan.Pinkston@faa.gov (Please include your phone number on e-mail questions) THE ORIGINAL “Q&A” REFERENCE IS NOTED FOLLOWING EACH (GROUP OF) QUESTION (S) CHANGE NOTICE: REVISION … 14 CFR Part 61 Training This syllabus is coordinated with King Schools courses with which you are probably already familiar. 14 CFR Part(s) 61, 121, 135, 141, and 142 [Docket No. B. Flashcards. Note: Because § 61.195 addresses the limitations and qualifications of certificated flight instructors (CFI) under part 61, check pilots under 14 CFR part 135 and Training Center Evaluators (TCE) under 14 CFR part 142 will not be authorized to provide the endorsement required by § 61.195(k)(7). a maximum certificated takeoff weight of no more than 6,000 lb. § 61.16 - Refusal to submit to an alcohol test or to furnish test results. § 61.14 - [Reserved] § 61.15 - Offenses involving alcohol or drugs. Special Federal Aviation Regulation No. I (1–1–19 Edition) pilot certificate with the appropriate category and class ratings for the air- craft in which the training is con-ducted provided the pilot receiving the training holds a pilot certificate with category and class ratings appropriate to the aircraft in which the training is being conducted. 615 (49 U.S.C. §§ 61.118-61… § 61.15 Offenses involving alcohol or drugs. A. 61.93 Solo cross-country flight requirements. 61.75 Private pilot certificate issued on the basis of a foreign pilot license. § 61.65 Instrument rating requirements. § 61.51 Pilot logbooks. CHAPTER 2 TITLE 14 CFR PART 61 CERTIFICATION OF PILOTS AND FLIGHT INSTRUCTORS Section 12 Administer a Practical Test for a Title 14 CFR Part 61 Initial, Renewal, or Reinstatement for a Flight Instructor with a Sport Pilot Rating 5-531 PROGRAM TRACKING AND REPORTING SUBSYSTEM (PTRS) ACTIVITY CODES. '; 61.195 Flight instructor limitations and qualifications. 14 CFR Parts 1, 21, 43, & 45 Amendments and Related Policy & Guidance. 61.301 What is the purpose of this subpart and to whom does it apply, 61.303 If I want to operate a light-sport aircraft, what operating limits and endorsement requirements in this subpart must I comply with, 61.305 What are the age and language requirements for a sport pilot certificate, 61.307 What tests do I have to take to obtain a sport pilot certificate, 61.309 What aeronautical knowledge must I have to apply for a sport pilot certificate, 61.311 What flight proficiency requirements must I meet to apply for a sport pilot certificate, 61.313 What aeronautical experience must I have to apply for a sport pilot certificate, 61.315 What are the privileges and limits of my sport pilot certificate, 61.317 Is my sport pilot certificate issued with aircraft category and class ratings, 61.321 How do I obtain privileges to operate an additional category or class of light-sport aircraft, 61.325 How do I obtain privileges to operate a light-sport aircraft at an airport within, or in airspace within, Class B, C, and D airspace, or in other airspace with an airport having an operational control tower, 61.327 Are there specific endorsement requirements to operate a light-sport aircraft based on VH, Subpart K - Flight Instructors With a Sport Pilot Rating, 61.401 What is the purpose of this subpart, 61.403 What are the age, language, and pilot certificate requirements for a flight instructor certificate with a sport pilot rating, 61.405 What tests do I have to take to obtain a flight instructor certificate with a sport pilot rating, 61.407 What aeronautical knowledge must I have to apply for a flight instructor certificate with a sport pilot rating, 61.409 What flight proficiency requirements must I meet to apply for a flight instructor certificate with a sport pilot rating, 61.411 What aeronautical experience must I have to apply for a flight instructor certificate with a sport pilot rating, 61.412 Do I need additional training to provide instruction on control and maneuvering an airplane solely by reference to the instruments in a light-sport aircraft based on VH, 61.413 What are the privileges of my flight instructor certificate with a sport pilot rating, 61.415 What are the limits of a flight instructor certificate with a sport pilot rating, 61.417 Will my flight instructor certificate with a sport pilot rating list aircraft category and class ratings, 61.419 How do I obtain privileges to provide training in an additional category or class of light-sport aircraft, 61.423 What are the recordkeeping requirements for a flight instructor with a sport pilot rating, 61.425 How do I renew my flight instructor certificate, 61.427 What must I do if my flight instructor certificate with a sport pilot rating expires, 61.429 May I exercise the privileges of a flight instructor certificate with a sport pilot rating if I hold a flight instructor certificate with another rating. Private Pilot through ATP and mechanic. [Doc. § 61… 61.153 Eligibility requirements: General. 61.67 Category II pilot authorization requirements. Up to date for and complete with all charts and figures and professional, illustrated explanations. The FARs comprises parts, or sections, each regulating a certain aspect of aviation. 61.160 Aeronautical experience - airplane category restricted privileges. Collapse to view only § 61.153 - Eligibility requirements: General. 14 CFR Part 61 test 1. General Information - Title 14 CFR § 61.53, Prohibition on Operations During Medical Deficiency Operations that require a medical certificate. Description This AC provides information and guidance for Aviation Training Device (ATD) manufacturers seeking Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) approval of a basic aviation training device (BATD) or advanced aviation training device (AATD) under Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) part 61, § 61.4 … window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; Part 61: Certification of Pilots, Flight Instructors, and Ground Instructors 4) Selected elements of 14 CFR Part 61 of importance to instrument flight 61.3 Requirement for certificates, ratings, and authorizations. § 61.17 - Temporary certificate. In addition, 14 CFR part 61, section 61.64(b) states if an airplane is not used during the practical test for a type rating for a turbojet airplane (except for preflight inspection), an applicant must accomplish the entire practical test in a Level C or higher FFS and the applicant must meet the specific experience criteria listed. PLAY. 61.35 Knowledge test: Prerequisites and passing grades. 61.4 Qualification and approval of flight simulators and flight training devices. Section 5. 61.87 Solo requirements for student pilots. What is covered, which pertains to 14 CFR Part 91, is determined by the examiner and what they believe would demonstrate proficiency by the applicant 61.43 14 CFR Part 91, UAS Operations TYPES AND AUTHORITY; Public aircraft operating under Part 91. As you know, completion of a Flight Review (or an authorized alternative) is required for every pilot every 24 calendar months. 118-1 - Relief for Certain Persons During the National Emergency Concerning the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Public Health Emergency, Subpart B - Aircraft Ratings and Pilot Authorizations (§§ 61.61 - 61.77), Subpart C - Student Pilots (§§ 61.81 - 61.95), Subpart D - Recreational Pilots (§§ 61.96 - 61.101), Subpart E - Private Pilots (§§ 61.102 - 61.118-61.120), Subpart F - Commercial Pilots (§§ 61.121 - 61.135-61.141), Subpart G - Airline Transport Pilots (§§ 61.151 - 61.170-69.171), Subpart H - Flight Instructors Other than Flight Instructors With a Sport Pilot Rating (§§ 61.181 - 61.201), Subpart I - Ground Instructors (§§ 61.211 - 61.217), Subpart J - Sport Pilots (§§ 61.301 - 61.327), Subpart K - Flight Instructors With a Sport Pilot Rating (§§ 61.401 - 61.429), Part 61. References for regulations in 14 CFR Part 61, designed for study by CFI candidates. 61.113 Private pilot privileges and limitations: Pilot in command. Reinstatement. 2307 Pub. 61.19 Duration of pilot and instructor certificates and privileges. 61.111 Cross-country flights: Pilots based on small islands. Search guide. Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) part 61 subpart K for information on the flight instructor certificate with a sport pilot rating. FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION; Subchapter D. AIRMEN; Part 61. A Third-Class Medical Certificate is issued to a 36-year-old pilot on August 10, this year. Share; Share on Facebook; Tweet on Twitter; 2015 Rule Amendment. 5-617 OBJECTIVE. 61.131 Exceptions to the night flying requirements. 4, 1997; Amdt. Subpart H - Flight Instructors Other than Flight Instructors With a Sport Pilot Rating. 61.83 Eligibility requirements for student pilots. Section 217 of the Act directed the FAA to amend 14 CFR part 61 to modify ATP certification requirements to prepare a pilot to function effectively in a multipilot (multicrew) environment, in adverse weather conditions, during high altitude operations, and in an air carrier … 61.103 Eligibility requirements: General. Sec. § 61.1 - Applicability and definitions. Start studying 4.6/14 CFR Part 61. CERTIFICATION: PILOTS, FLIGHT INSTRUCTORS, AND GROUND INSTRUCTORS. 61.53 Prohibition on operations during medical deficiency. gtag('config', 'UA-53164437-4'); PART 61 - CERTIFICATION: PILOTS, FLIGHT INSTRUCTORS, AND GROUND INSTRUCTORS Authority:49 U.S.C. Authority: 49 U.S.C. 61.1€€ A General 61.2 Exercise of Privilege. 61.133 Commercial pilot privileges and limitations. Collapse to view only § 61.109 - Aeronautical experience. Collapse to view only § 61.73 - Military pilots or former military pilots: … 61.156 Training requirements: Airplane category - multiengine class rating or airplane type rating concurrently with airline transport pilot certificate. U.S. Code; Regulations; Constitution; x. 61.96 Applicability and eligibility requirements: General. • Title 14 CFR Part 67, Medical Standards and Certification. 61.65 Instrument rating requirements. Search. Part 61. If you are required to comply with a regulation under 14 CFR “within the preceding 24 months” or “24 months after or … Required for every pilot every 24 calendar months GACAR Subpart Subpart Title Section Section Title Section Section Title Section Title. Or to furnish test results 61.64 use of a flight Review ( or an authorized alternative is! E-Mail: john.d.lynch @ faa.gov ) 61, 121, 135, 141, and ground Instructors Titles that up. 38 ) If you are probably already familiar … U.S. Code of Federal regulations 61 at Engineering360 61 up... 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